Cruzanheart .. please , quick ... pass me your throw up bag!!
What a load of hooey!! she wrote
((((Bliss))) so sorry that all this has happened
Your friend writes you a letter and says
"I wish there was something I could do".. then turns around and hauls that away by saying "but obviously there isn't".. That is called a "throw-away"
"I wish there was something I could do.. and then says "I know you will want to talk about it BUT I DON'T.... What another two faced statement... another "throw-away"
then she has to nerve to say later "that by no means do I have my head in the sand"...
Your friendly letter writer is obviously in the arms of a blood sucking cult and she is in a trance.. a follower of men.. She appears to have that one elder so high up on a pedestal.
Sorry, Bliss , for coming off a little strong about this person. I just get angy and upset about people hurting other people.. and the weird thing is that they really think they are being sincere..
Special K